Indian Guy from Hyderabad. I love to watch and learn about latest trends, gaming and technologies and really enjoy to discuss with others .
This excitement of learning new things and sharing really gave birth to our YouTube channel "Testing RTX" . I created this channel on 30th Nov 2016 with my own laptops review as a first video . Starting from there now we have a huge library of more than 450 videos with lots of different but technology and gaming related contents. Hope you like it.
In same way we have created this website "tubeandtech" to discuss more about technologies and gaming with you all. I and trying to put unique contents in both my YouTube and this website so that you all will get new contents and information's from both end.
I also like to make funny contents but due to less time I started creating TECH CONTENT IN A VERY FUNNY WAYS Just watch few video you will know what I mean.
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