Unlike every year of winter sale this time EPIC STORE and UBISOFT
Here are some games we recommend.
R6 Gold edition -> ₹1100 - ₹750 coupon = ₹350
Ghost Recon Breakpoint Gold Edition (with Year 1 Pass) -> ₹1250 - ₹750 coupon = ₹500
Cyberpunk -> ₹3000 - ₹750 coupon = ₹2250
AC Valhalla -> ₹2489 - ₹750 coupon = ₹1740
Watch Dogs Legion -> ₹2000 - ₹750 coupon = ₹1250
Star Wars Squadron -> ₹1500 - ₹750 coupon = ₹750
Mafia Trilogy -> ₹2475 - ₹750 coupon = ₹1725
Horizon Zero Dawn -> ₹1117 - ₹750 coupon = ₹367
Death Stranding -> ₹2475 - ₹750 coupon = ₹1725
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order -> ₹1400 - ₹750 coupon = ₹650 (₹850 for deluxe)
RDR2 -> ₹2143 - ₹750 coupon = ₹1393
Division 2 Ultimate Edition -> ₹1200 - ₹750 coupon = ₹450
Far Cry5 (Standard) + Far Cry New Dawn (Deluxe Edition) -> ₹1100 - ₹750 coupon = ₹350
AC Odyssey Gold Edition -> ₹1250 - ₹750 coupon = ₹500 (₹680 for deluxe)
Ghost Recon Wildlands Ultimate Edition> ₹1500 - ₹750 coupon = ₹750
Watch Dogs 2 Gold Edition -> ₹1100 - ₹750 coupon = ₹350
Some extras without coupon if you hadn’t got it earlier -
Witcher 3 GOTY Edition - ₹423
Hitman 2016 GOTY Edition - ₹363
Raji - ₹446
epic games link - https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/