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NSA's Mobile Phone Usage Guidelines to stay safe in the Digital Age 2024

Writer's picture: vijay kumarvijay kumar

In our increasingly digital world, mobile phones have become unavoidable device for communication, work, and entertainment. However, as their usage has grown, so too have the risks associated with cybercrimes. To help protect users, in 2020, the National Security Agency (NSA) released several safety guidelines for mobile phones to raise awareness about cybercrimes and help reduce the number of victims.

NSA Guidelines

These guidelines aim to raise awareness about potential threats and provide practical steps to enhance your mobile security.

Turn off your mobile once a week.

You must practice completely switching off your mobile and then rebooting it once a week. It can help reduce the risk of online scams. It may force hackers to start over from scratch, failing their malicious schemes before they have a chance to take root access. It also helps protect against zero-click exploits, which attackers often use to eavesdrop on and collect data from your mobile phones.

Turning off Bluetooth and wi-fi

Turning off your mobiles Bluetooth and wi-fi settings when you are not using them, it can help keep your device safe from getting automatically connected to free wi-fi or Bluetooth devices. these free wi-fi can be malicious wi-fi networks or may be a wi-fi created by some of the hackers sitting nearby. This action will put a stop on this action which may collect your data or personal information's over the network. It is important to note that airplane mode does not always turn off Bluetooth. so, make sure to check if all the toggles are turned off.

Always use trusted accessories like charging wire

NSA recommends using only trusted accessories because attackers can take advantage of the charging port on your smartphone to obtain unauthorized access and may steal sensitive data. Thats why you must stick to trusted brands possibly original accessories only and avoiding inexpensive, uncertified accessories.

Even secure lock screen or passwords are not safe

Always choose a secure password for your phone. The screen lock is the first layer to protect your device against the people with bad intensions. But in this technology era even with a strong pattern or password your mobiles are not safe, these are breakable OfCourse not easily but breakable with some tools and advanced techniques. Best suggestion from our side would be to utilize a trusted software's which allow users to setup 2 security steps in order to unlock their devices.

For instance, in some new Samsung galaxy devices, requiring both fingerprint and iris scans simultaneously, or substituting one or the other with a password is required to unlock the devices. Well, everyone can't have these costly devices, but you can augment the same using some third party trusted software's like Duo Mobile which offer multi-factor authentications.

Don't switch of automatic updates of OS and all other apps.

Keep OS and all apps updated, many hackers depend on vulnerabilities in mobile operating systems and your apps which was downloaded from an untrusted sit. All the Brands and Android keeps their security check on constant updates to keep ahead of the hackers, but many people turn automatic updates off. Furthermore, many manufacturers cut support for the latest operating systems from their older models. If you perform all of your critical tasks on mobiles only then make sure to actively keep track of OS upgrades in order to avoid a variety of potential smartphone security issues.

Secure Mobile


Disabling location services

Turning off location services on your phone can help hide your current location from others who may want to gather details based on your location.

Mic drowning cases and camera covers

Mic drowning cases and camera covers are designed to stop unwanted room audio/video collection. Hackers often use the mic and camera on your device to record audio and video which may contain sensitive information. To avoid these, keep your device away from you when sharing sensitive information's in person. or use specially designed cases to cover your cameras or drown mic.

secure case

Maintain physical control of devices

Always keep your device with you, especially in public places. Never leave it unattended, even for short period of time, as it can be easily tampered by someone within few minutes in your absence.

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