Apple has just released the AirPods Max, its first over-ear headphones with a striking price of Rs 59900/- in India. Very minimalistic design with loads of new features and innovations.
innovations list are below,
1. Sensational sound quality.
2. Good noise canceling and Transparency mode.
3. Full metal Design.
4. Digital Crown for precise volume control, Call control and Music Control.
5. Special Cover to set your headphone in low power mode.
6. Headband made of breathable knitted mesh fabric.
These are few main features which you will get with Apple AirPods Max headphone. but for India this price is too much. I don't think people accept with high income and company backup anyone individual wants to buy this . At this price you will get a full high end mobile or may be a gaming laptop. so we made a full comic type very funny video on this headphone hope you like it. Please remember its in Hindi language.
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